The module has an enable input and a fault output. When using low constant currents, the RPY-1.5Q allows analog dimming from 0 to 100 % or PWM. Likewise, a variety of protections are integrated, such as against over temperature, undervoltage at the input, overcurrent, and short circuits at the output.
It operates over an input range of 4 to 36 VDC and a nominal supply voltage of 5, 12, or 24 V. The series is available in a thermally optimized QFN package with an integrated shielded inductor. The RPY-1.5Q can be used at a junction temperature of -40 °C to +125 °C without further ado.
For more information about the RPY-1.5Q LED driver from RECOM and a direct ordering option, please visit our e-commerce platform at
Contact Rutronik:
Andreas Münzer | Senior Manager Product Marketing Power | +49 7231 801 1596 |