High intensity for IR spectroscopy: Osram‘s Oslon series broadband emitter now in Rutronik‘s opto product portfolio

03/18/2021 Know-How

Broad spectrum in the smallest space: The Oslon P1616 SFH4737 broadband emitter complements Osram‘s (near) infrared high-power LED portfolio. With a spectral emission range of 650nm to 1050nm and the particularly small design, the emitter is suitable for use in medical applications and wearables. It has a beam angle of 130° and is therefore able to pick up light within a larger area. The Osram Oslon product portfolio is available at www.rutronik24.com.


Currently the smallest NIRED device on the market with three times more power

With its small size of just 1.6mm x 1.6mm x 0.9mm, the SFH4737 is currently the optimum choice for size-critical applications. The broad homogeneous spectrum of the wavelength range enables wide coverage of infrared light sources. The Oslon P1616 broadband emitter provides 74mW of power at a current of 350mA, a triple increase over previous models.

IR spectroscopy on the go

The SFH4737 was specially developed for infrared spectroscopy. It is particularly ideal for mobile spectroscopy applications, such as the detection of pharmaceuticals or the freshness content of food.

For more information about Orsam‘s Oslon series broadband emitter and a direct ordering option, please visit our e-commerce platform at www.rutronik24.com.


Contact Person:

Julian Eise, Product Sales Manager Opto

 +49 7231 801 1479 | julian.eise@rutronik.com