Rutronik (C3-312 and C4-434) demonstrates sensor package from ST for predictive maintenance applications

10/18/2018 Know-How

The ISM330DLC from STMicroelectronics is a SiP (System-in-Package) with a

digital 3D acceleration sensor and a digital 3D gyroscope tailored for industrial 4.0 applications. It is the

core of Rutronik‘s predictive maintenance demo at electronica.

By implementing the sensor elements of the accelerometer and the gyroscope on the same silicon die,
the ISM330DLC guarantees maximum stability and robustness. With a full-scale acceleration range of
±2/±4/±8/±16g and an angular rate range of ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000dps, the SiP allows flexible solutions.

The data is processed via a dedicated configurable signal path with low latency, low noise and special filtering. Data from this signal path can be made available through an auxiliary SPI interface, configurable for both the gyroscope and accelerometer.

High accuracy and stability with ultra-low power consumption of only 0.75mA enable durable and batterypowered applications in the industrial domain. In addition to vibration monitoring in predictive maintenance solutions, the SiP is also suitable for the usage in image stabilization, robotics, navigation, telematics, drones and industrial automation.

The ISM330DLC from STMicroelectronics is now available at (where you can
also place orders directly):

Contact Person (Rutronik):
Stephan Menze, Product Sales Manager Analog & Sensors
Tel: +49 7231 801 1517
e-mail: <link - mail "open internal link"></link>