Special news: Corona viruses can be destroyed using UV-C

04/03/2020 Unternehmensnachrichten

Currently public life is at a standstill, we are all required to stay at home and protect ourselves and our loved ones. But this does not mean that we are idle - because the world keeps turning. For us at Rutronik and also for you. Due to the current situation in regards to „COVID-19 virus“, we’ve got informed by our suppliers (as well as information through different newsletters), that the demand for UV-LEDs has increased expotentially.

Due to the current situation in regards to „COVID-19 virus“, we’ve got informed by our suppliers (as well as information through different newsletters), that the demand for UV-LEDs has increased expotentially. 

UV LEDs have a sterilizing effect against viruses, germs and bacterias

The spread of the coronavirus is currently keeping the whole world on its toes: stock market crash, overloaded healthcare systems and restrictions on personal freedom. In a situation like this, one thing above all else is important: keep personal contact to a minimum and wash your hands a lot! Because the viruses usually enter the body easily from the hands via the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes. We already know this.

But what else can we do to protect ourselves from viruses and bacteria?

In fact, light can help here. More precisely UV-C light. Although the short-wave UV-C radiation of the sun (in the range 100 - 280nm) does not penetrate our earth's atmosphere, we humans can project UV-C light ourselves thanks to LED technology. But how does light help against viruses and bacteria? The radiation of the LEDs (usually 250-280nm) is so strong that it can break up the DNA. As a result, the viruses can no longer reproduce and will die, even if they are multiresistant. Corona viruses are also not protected against this. Wonderful thing! Because UV-C LEDs can therefore be used to sterilise surfaces such as door handles, vehicle interiors or even clothing and protect people from infections.

Rutronik offers a broad UV-LED portfolio

Our focus manufacturers are in particular <link www.rutronik24.com _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link">Laser Components</link>, <link www.rutronik24.com _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link">Stanley</link> and Lextar. In addition, our portfolio includes further UV LEDs with <link www.rutronik24.com/lite-on.html _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link">Liteon</link> and <link www.rutronik24.com/vishay.html _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link">Vishay</link>.

Rutronik has various samples and UV LEDs available from stock – please do not hesitate to contact us!

Or browse through our online shop at <link www.Rutronik24.com>www.Rutronik24.com</link>.

UV LEDs are of course not only used for disinfection, but are also applied in many different areas:

Hardening of paints/filling materials, air and surface cleaning (e.g. door handles, interiors etc.), water disinfection, printers, medical equipment (e.g. DNA sequencing), horticulture, air purification, washing machines, entertainment lighting, etc.

More information about UV LEDs

Would you like to learn more about UV LEDs, how they work and applications? Get in touch with your contact person at Rutronik and, if there is sufficient demand, an invitation to our WebEx training will follow shortly!

<link AlainBruno.Kamwa@rutronik.com - mail "open internal link">Contact our specialists here</link> 


More about UV, Laser and Infrared? Our Photonic Highlights Catalog

In our new Photonic Highlights catalog you can read more about VCSELs, lasers, infrared and UV LEDs. Here you will find detailed information about applications, manufacturers and components.

<link www.rutronik.com/fileadmin/Rutronik/Downloads/printmedia/products/01_semiconductors/photonic_highlights_en.pdf _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link">Download the catalog here</link> 


The Coronavirus and the effects on the delivery situation of our partners

Due to the current threat situation by the Corona virus, we inform you about effects on the delivery situation of our partners. See the statements of the manufacturers who are affected by delivery difficulties due to the corona virus:

<link www.rutronik.com/corporate-news/releases-2020/coronavirus-effects-on-the-delivery-situation/ _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link">Statements of our partners</link> 


During this challenging time we wish you all the best and most importantly: Stay healthy.