Rutronik TechTalk meets Embedded World 2021
We would like to keep up the flow of information about latest technologies and trends and are therefore very pleased to inform you about our next event. For three days Rutronik will present products and solutions for the innovation-driven markets Embedded, (I)IoT, Industry 4.0, Robotics, Metering, Logistics, Energy, Biotechnology & Medical, Automation and Artificial Intelligence. Workshops, lectures and Q&A sessions with a large number of well-known manufacturers offer a comprehensive insight into the future of electronics. The Rutronik team of experts is looking forward to meeting you online on March 2, 3 and 4 daily from 10 am to 4 pm (CET).
March 2
Education Day / New Product Introduction

On our first Education Day our innovative supplier partners will introduce their newest product releases in cooperation with the Rutronik product managers.

PC Speaks the Language of the Field in the Age of Industry 4.0

- Nordic Semiconductor
Discover the improved revision of NB-IoT and LTE-M wireless dual-core MCU and learn about the second generation of Power Profiler Kit

- Telit
5G IoT and the Enterprise:
The Current State of 5G and IoT Applications

- Intel
Intel® RealSense™
Introduction to Depth Vision and Facial Authentification

- Bosch Sensortec
Self-learning AI Sensor BHI260AP for Fitness Tracking
March 3
Education Day / New Product Introduction

On our second Education Day our innovative supplier partners will introduce their newest product releases in cooperation with the Rutronik product managers.

- Transcend
Industrial 3D TLC

- 4D Systems
Smart TFTs and Software Tools / Ready to Market

- Panasonic
Sending Data over Ultra Low Power /
Powered Forever without Maintenance

Antennas: Technologies & New Product Developments
Super Capacitors for Pulse Power Application

- Holitech
Displays and General Market Information
March 4
Inspiration Day

The inspiration day revolves around our very own Rutronik innovations. Our engineers will present the latest projects from our innovation lab. This year's topic was industrial communication, energy storage and medical applications.

- Rutronik
Introduction of Rutronik´s new partners and suppliers on the linecard to meet your challenges of the future

- Supplier Special: Infineon
MCU-PSoC™-Connectivity / Modus Toolbox

- Rutronik
Smart Displays

- Rutronik
Robust and Universal Battery Modeling Algorithm for Impedance Spectroscopy based on Standard MCU

- Rutronik
How do I select the right NAND flash solution for my application