
Electret condenser microphones, not just for voices - The world is full of sound
06/19/2024 Know-How

Speech or singing: These are the applications that first come to mind when most people think of the way microphones are used. But they can do much…

Infineon EV Charging Solutions from AC to high-power DC
06/11/2024 Know-How

The increasing demand for EV infrastructure has created a highly competitive market for EV charging systems, in which design engineers must…

Security ICs - Greater security for the networked world
06/05/2024 Know-How

Through wireless communication technologies such as 5G, more and more devices are now connected to the Internet. But for all the benefits, this also…

RECOM: RxxC2Txx Series Precision Power
06/03/2024 Know-How

The RxxC2Txx series 2W isolated DC/DC converter stands as a versatile solution tailored for isolated gate bias voltages, particularly designed for…

Security in Industry 4.0 applications - When microcontroller-based security is no longer enough
05/22/2024 Know-How

One consequence of the miniaturization of system-on-chips is that flash memory increasingly has to be implemented externally.

This brings with it…