
Automotive motor system IC - A new source of power for automotive aids
07/14/2021 Know-How

Everywhere you look, cars have little devices here and there to make the driving experience more comfortable—window regulators, sunroof controllers,…

Rutronik Analytics – Business Intelligence & Analytics as a Service - Finding target customers and optimizing how you serve existing ones
07/12/2021 Know-How

Ten profitable ideas how to win new customers” or “Eight tips on customer acquisition” – advisers have plenty of good ideas on how businesses can…

UVC LEDs - Don’t Give Germs a Chance!
07/02/2021 Know-How

The fight against viruses has been a long one. Chemical disinfectants only offer limited benefits against micro-organisms such as viruses and…

5G - A Quantum Leap for High-Speed Transmission
06/25/2021 Know-How

Everyone’s long been talking about 5G, and the first networks have already been built and early tests have been conducted. But what actual benefits…

Hall sensors in automotive applications - Suitable for a variety of parameters
06/24/2021 Know-How

On the road to autonomous driving, cars are being equipped with an increasing number of sensors. Magnetic field sensors based on the Hall effect offer…