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NLM0011 - First NFC configuration IC with integrated CLO - Solves LED current setting challenges, and increases LED driver market value

11/05/2019 Know-How

To illuminate a light-emitting diode (LED) at a certain brightness level, an electrical circuit - the LED driver - must ensure sufficient current…

Available at Rutronik: USB Type-C compatible I/O Connectors from JAE

10/21/2019 Suppliers

JAE‘s (Japan Aviation Electronics) DX07 Series USB Type-C compatible I/O (DX07) connectors are compatible with the newest USB specification and are…

Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors | Capacitance loss due to DC bias in MLCCs

10/21/2019 Know-How

Thanks to extreme further developments, MLCCs are being used in an increasing number of applications. However, one thing is often neglected in the…

OTA updates in the automotive section: Smart updates for smart vehicles

10/10/2019 Know-How

Regular updates of firmware and software also increase the level of functionality, security, and safety in cars. The problem: Vehicles usually have to…

Rutronik presents Panasonic’s compact Bluetooth Dual-Mode HCI Module

10/10/2019 Know-How

Ispringen [month] – The Panasonic HCI (Host Controlled Interface) Bluetooth RF module PAN1326C2 is based on Texas Instruments’ CC2564C dual-mode…