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Cost-effective nRF9160 Development Kit from Nordic available at Rutronik

04/17/2019 Know-How

The Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160 Development Kit (DK) is a single-board hardware development platform providing all necessary tools for evaluation and…

New at Rutronik: ultra-low power IMU from Bosch Sensortec

04/16/2019 Know-How

The smart Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) BMI270 scores with increased system battery life and an improved accelerometer. Optimized for wearable and…

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Electrifying (the) future with Infineon: Light Electric Vehicles

04/09/2019 Know-How

With fluctuating fuel prices on the one hand and dropping initial cost of buying electric vehicles on the other, consumers start paying more attention…

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Addressing the need for MOSFETs in BLDC motors

04/04/2019 Know-How

Motors across the industrial and automotive sectors are migrating to BLDCs in order to maximise efficiency and reliability. This article looks at the…

Available at Rutronik: ultra-low-power Wireless MCUs from Redpine Signals

04/02/2019 Know-How

With Redpine Signals’ RS14100 WiSeMCU family, Rutronik distributes the first Wireless Secure MCUs featuring a comprehensive multi-protocol wireless…