Day 17 - Telit – Your Partner for a 5G World

Rutronik Advent calendar Day17Telit offers innovative modules to help you design 5G into your enterprise network appliances, branch routers, video cameras, security devices and other bandwidth-intensive applications. As a worldwide leader in mobile broadband technology, Telit has the solutions your enterprise needs to make the most of 5G.
The significant benefits of 5G — revolutionary speeds, low latency, high resilience, network elasticity, scalability and other game-changing aspects — create unprecedented business innovation opportunities.
Imagine, for instance, what a typical 10x reduction in latency could do for a business that relies on telepresence. For a robotic arm that handles hazardous materials, a latency of fewer than 10 milliseconds could eliminate the lag time that currently inhibits accuracy and control.
Enterprises need more than promises to reap the benefits of 5G. They need proven, practical and secure solutions that speed adoption and integration, enable global expansion, and are based on dependable industry products. The Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X55 5G modem, Qualcomm Technologies’ second-generation 5G New Radio (NR) modem with integrated multi-mode support, is designed to deliver breakthrough wireless performance and accelerate global 5G rollout.

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