Fully tested and certified AC/DC and DC/DC Products from 1 W to 550 W
What is a medical power supply?
It is an energy source that has to possess properties that need to meet the necessary standards for medical use in a hospital or residential home. The worldwide ES/IEC/EN 60601-1 3rd Ed. standard provides us with guidelines, which are more stringent compared to guidelines for commercial or industrial appliances. Higher safety standards and lower electromagnetic interference are required, providing EMC Compliance.
Key Features
- 1:1, 2:1 or 4:1 input voltage range (DC/DC)
- UL/IEC/EN60601 3rd Ed. certified with CB report
- No additional components needed for normal operation
- Built-in EN55022 Class A filter
- Reinforced isolation
- 2 x MOPP Low leakage current
Key Applications
- Clinical medical equipment
- Home health care equipment
- High voltage monitoring systems

High-Grade Medical DC/DC Converters from 3 W to 30 W
Cost Effective Medical DC/DC Converters
Medical-Grade AC/DC Converters 18 W – 550 W
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