UCAP Power / Maxwell Technologies | San Diego, USA

Troy Brandon

Congratulations to Rutronik on your 50th anniversary. 
This is a major accomplishment and testament to your dedicated hard work and customer first business model. We here at UCAP Power and Maxwell want to wish you continued success over your next 50 years! Rutronik sets itself apart from others with their customer relationships and application knowledge. You actively engage with the end customers to find the right solution for their problem. This priority on solving customer problems is what makes Rutronik such a good business partner for UCAP Power and Maxwell. There once was a premium brand customer who was experiencing situations where the lack of a redundant system was creating life or death scenarios. Rutronik recognized that our Maxwell solution was an ideal solution that could quickly be implemented to eliminate the risk to life. In putting our solution together with another one of their business partners we all were able to provide this premier brand customer with an economical, easily scalable, highly reliable solution. By understanding the customer's needs and actively working with their business partners to provide a total solution, Rutronik saved the day, and everyone lived happily ever after.

Participate in our "Celebration Competition" – 50 years Rutronik and 40 years Nordic Semiconductor

Nordic Semiconductor is the partner of this year's Rutronik Advent Calendar 2023 and is offering you the opportunity to win one of their development hardware. In addition we would like to congratulate our partner to 40 years being a global leader of ultra-low-power wireless technologies. Participate in our advent calendar and explore the world of Power Managment, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi and Cellular IoT.

Participate and Win a Nordic nRF7002 DK!

Win a nRF7002 Development Kit from our supplier Nordic Semiconductor. This specific Development Tool contains everything needed to get started developing on a single board with the nRF7002 Wi-Fi 6 Companion IC. 

  • Supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee
  • nRF5340 SoC as host processor
  • User-programmable LEDs(2) and buttons(2)
  • Pins for measuring power consumption

Sounds interesting? Then don't miss the unique chance to win a Nordic nRF7002 DK.
Register your company now until December 12th, 2023 to jump into the lottery pot!
Here you can find our participation conditions and declaration of consent.

We look forward to your participation!

Unfortunately, the Competition has now ended.
If you are still interested in the Nordic nRF7002 DK, please visit Nordics Page and take a look in our Shop.

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